Arduino multisim 11
Arduino multisim 11

arduino multisim 11

DHT11 sensor power is 5V (middle pin on sensor) Signal wire of DHT11 to Arduino Digital pin 8 DHT11 Temp and humidity sensor in Celsius ***** Works for temp and humid display on LCD I2C ***** Make sure you have the 3 libraries that are noted “#include” I put some comments about the changes I made and stuff I figured out…. I had the same issue and just figured it out. Here is the simple code that will make it work correctly. Upload the following code to your Arduino: Next, to get the code for the DHT11 bits working, you need to grab and install a DHT11 library: which has a folder you will place into your Arduino/libraries folder. Potentiometer negative pin to breadboard negative power rail.Potentiometer positive pin to breadboard positive power rail.LCD 16 to breadboard negative power rail.LCD 15 to 220 ohm resistor and then the same 220 ohm resistor to breadboard positive power rail.LCD 14 to Arduino Digital Pin 2 // Arduino sends LCD data.LCD 13 to Arduino Digital Pin 3 // Arduino sends LCD data.LCD 12 to Arduino Digital Pin 4 // Arduino sends LCD data.LCD 11 to Arduino Digital Pin 5 // Arduino sends LCD data.LCD 6 to Arduino Digital Pin 11 // Arduino sends LCD data (LCD initiate command).

arduino multisim 11

LCD 5 to breadboard negative power rail.LCD 4 to Arduino Digital Pin 12 // Arduino sends LCD data (LCD character coordinates).LCD 3 to potentiometer centre pin // this helps to change the LCD brightness.LCD 2 to breadboard positive power rail.LCD 1 to breadboard negative power rail.DHT11 S pin to Arduino Analog A0 // this feeds data from DHT11 to Arduino.DHT11 negative pin to breadboard negative power rail.DHT11 positive pin to breadboard positive power rail.Arduino 5v to breadboard positive power rail.Arduino GND to breadboard negative power rail.The first thing is the wiring diagram, which is a bit hard to follow, so I’ll add some text to explain which connectors go where: If you have no female connectors, you can push the DHT11 straight into the breadboard and make connections from there. I’ve provided wiring diagrams, code and guidance below, in case anyone is curious. In this experiment, I wanted to hook up a DHT11 temperature and humidity detector module to the Arduino Uno, and output the temp and humidity data to an LCD module.

Arduino multisim 11