To play dishonored 2 in the stealth mode, the players have to use cheat code- num 6. Players can get super speed for their character in the dishonored 2 by using trainer cheat code- num 7 key.

Players who want to unlock the super jump features can unlock it using the cheat code by clicking on the num 8 key on their keyboard. Trainer has cheat code that will help you to unlock no fall damage in dishonored 2. Click on the num 9 key to activate the no fall damage feature. One hit killĭishonored 2 players can use the one hit kill feature to win against enemies without much trouble.

They can use this feature using cheat num 0. Using the different combinations of keys, you can use other cheats in dishonored 2. The players wanting to get infinite gold to be able to buy different things in this game. Press the ctrl+num 1 key for unlocking unlimited gold. Players can get unlimited runes in dishonored 2. They have to use a combination of keys- ctrl+num 2. The players can get unlimited traits in the dishonored 2 by using cheat code- ctrl+num 3.

Players wanting the unlimited whale bones have to press keys- ctrl+num 4. The trainer allows players to use gold multiplier by using cheat code- ctrl+ num 5. These cheat codes are for the players having a steam version of dishonored 2. It is compatible with the windows game however few options may not be compatible. Now that you got the easiest way to use cheat in the dishonored 2 game. Now, use these cheat codes and download the mod from the trainer website. Look for the updated version and compatibility to be able to enjoy the game. Press the correct combinations of the key to activate cheat codes. Also, the cheat codes can be deactivated by restarting the game or by other methods.Becuase it’s imposible to make a post for every single trainers of mine since 2012, so I decided to make this archive.